Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep

We all have heard the average number of hours we should sleep, but sometimes all of the why behind those numbers isn’t said enough. Sleep is extremely important and is essential to our overall health & wellbeing! 

So, why is a good night's sleep so important? We’re going to tell you!

  • Stronger immune system. Sleep is vital when it comes to strengthening our immune system & helping to protect our bodies from infection and illness.

  • Improved cognitive function. Sleep can help us improve our concentration, productivity and how we learn.

  • Better mood. When you don’t get enough sleep, you may notice that your mood can be affected. Getting enough sleep can help regulate mood plus increase feelings of well-being.

  • Improved mental health. The right amount of sleep can help improve mental health + promote our emotional well-being. Lack of sleep can lead to anxiety and other mental health conditions.

  • Enhanced physical performance. Sleep is a necessity when it comes to muscle recovery. It can also improve athletic performance + physical endurance.

  • Increased lifespan. Many studies have found that getting enough sleep can lead to a longer life.

  • Reduced risk of chronic diseases. Getting enough sleep can help to lower your risk for serious health issues such as heart disease & diabetes. 

Although the amount of hours we should sleep varies depending on the person, getting the right amount for you is essential to your overall health. One way to ensure a good night’s sleep is to get a good night time routine in place. Your night affects your next day so make sure you set yourself up for success and for feeling good when you wake up & take on your days! 

You can read more about how to set up a good morning, afternoon, & night time routine in our previous “Set to Reset” blog post.

Until next time,


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